Love Family Camp and want to enjoy it with friends?

New families receive 50% off their registration while you receive a 50% off yours! Sound appetizing? Check out our s’mores ingredients below!

New Family

New families receive an automatic 50% registration discount, saving over $30/person! 

Host Family

You receive 50% off your registration when your friends register with your coupon code.


Enjoy camp that much s’more!
What a sweet deal.

The Sweet

New families (hereafter called “S’more Families”) are defined as at least two individuals currently living under the same roof, including a head of house, who have never attended or been on campus during an ALERT Family Camp.

S’more Families may purchase lodging and meals if desired, but Family Camp registration is discounted 50%.

  • 2+ people
  • Must include the head of house
  • Neither parent can have ever attended or been on campus during an ALERT Family Camp. (If your account does not qualify for this promotion, the discount will be removed and the total balance will be due. If you are unsure if you are eligible, please call us at 903-636-9201.)
  • Host families (those inviting the S’more Family) cannot currently reside at the same address as the S’more Family.
  • S’more families must register online with the S’more Host’s unique coupon code. Discounts will not be applied after registration.

and the sticky

The “Host Family” (who invited the “S’more Family”) must register before their friends to receive 50% off their own Family Camp Registration. Please note that this discount excludes meals and lodging and applies to your registration costs only.

  • Returning families, register online and wait for your unique S’more Host Coupon Code to be emailed to you. (Please allow a few days for this code to be created and sent your way.) 
  • Pass the code to as many families as you’d like! 
  • When your friends sign up using your code, we’ll process your one-time 50% refund! (Additional registrations added to your account after this discount will not be eligible for this promotion. If multiple families use your code—yay!—please note that your discount will not increase, though you will be more likely to secure your 50% discount in the unfortunate case that one of your invited families is unable to attend.)
  • The “Host Family” makes sure their friends feel connected and included at Family Camp. Please consider inviting your S’more family to your campsite and introducing them to others.
  • This S’more Family Promotional ends Sept. 15, 2025. Your friends must register by this date to receive the discount.
  • If your S’more Family doesn’t end up coming to ALERT Family Camp, your 50% discount will be removed and the remaining balance will be due. Hopefully they’re able to come next year!

Sign me up.

I'm a Host Family!

Thanks for spreading the word about Family Camp! First, you’ll need to register online and wait for your unique S’more Host Coupon Code to be emailed to you. (Please allow a few days for this code to be created and sent your way.) 

Pass the code to as many friends as you’d like, and voilà! This code allows your guests to register for 50% off and sets your 50% registration discount in motion when the coupon is used. Be sure to check out the “Sweet and the Sticky” details above and call us with any additional questions at 903-636-9201. Remember, this promotional ends Sept. 15 at 11:59 PM CST.

★ Special Host Opportunity for 25% off ★

Our returning Family Campers are the heart and soul of the Family Camp. You create the atmosphere, fellowship, and heart-warming experience our guests appreciate the most.

While most of our new families have hosts who have invited them, some of our new families have found us on their own.

If you’re a returning family interested in hosting one of our brand-new families, please register online, and check out our host family page here!

I'm a New Family (and another family invited me!)

Awesome! We’re looking forward to having you! Please contact your host family for their unique S’more Family Coupon Code and use it to register here! Be sure to check out the “Sweet and the Sticky” details above to see if you qualify or call us with further questions at 903-636-9201. Remember, this promotional ends Sept. 15 at 11:59 PM CST. 

I don't have a host family

New families who would like to attend but do not have a Family Camp Host Family are definitely welcome and also receive 50% off their registration. We’re looking forward to welcoming you into our Family Camp Community! We’ll bring you as our guests and assign y’all a host family before your arrival.

Please use the coupon code NEWSMOREFAM to register here. Remember, this promotional ends Sept. 15 at 11:59 PM CST. Please call us at 903-636-9201 if you have any questions! Please note that by using this coupon, you automatically grant permission for us to share your contact information with a seasoned Family Camp Family who will be hand-picked to be your camp host about 1 month before Family Camp.